December 11, 2019

Correa: “I Ask God For Wisdom And Guidance In Uniting Our Great Nation.”

Washington, DC – Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA-46), delivered the following statement during the markup of H.Res. 755, Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald J. Trump:

I was elected to Congress to work across the aisle with Democrats and Republicans to ensure that the voices of my constituents are heard.

They sent me to work for good jobs, education, health care, safe streets, and housing.

As a son of immigrants, my election to Congress is an example of the American Dream and how hard work makes the American Dream come true.

My mom cleaned hotel rooms for a $1.60 an hour and today her son is in Congress.

Sadly, on my way to Congress, the 2016 Presidential election was tarnished by foreign influence—a danger our founding fathers warned us about.

Then, did our President solicit foreign interference in our democratic elections? Sadly, the answer is yes.

As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, I know firsthand the dangers and threats that foreign interference present our democracy.

When our nation gained its independence, the Framers viewed the power of the Presidency as a public trust.

The constitution—the highest law of the land—created a system of checks and balances to prevent the creation of a king.

Congress is a co-equal branch of our nation’s government, equal with the presidency, with duties that are given to us by the framers.

Congress has a constitutional job to investigate allegations of misconduct by the Executive Branch—including the President.

I do not take impeachment lightly. I’ve had the opportunity to vote on resolutions to impeach the President. I voted NO on all of them.

As I come to today’s markup, I have listened and studied the evidence presented in these hearings. I‘m here today to do my job as a Member of Congress and protect the American Dream.

It is my constitutional job to ensure that NO ONE - NO ONE—is above the law. And I need to ensure that our nation is secure from all threats—foreign and domestic.

As my fellow Californian President Reagan once said, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.”

I am here today to ensure that America continues to be that shining city, of democracy and rule of law, and continues to be the land of promise and opportunity.

Nuestro Comunidad, me mando a Washington para trabajar con todos, Democratas y Republicanos, para mejorar las vidas de nuestras comunidades.

Tristemente estamos aqui, hoy, contemplando las acciones del president de los Estados Unidos.

Y Votare despues de estudiar las evidencias y las leyes presentadas.
Mi voto, sera para asegurar que sigamos siendo una democracia, y no una dictadura.

Muchos de nuestros hijos y hijas, han pagadado el precio de nuestra libertad con su sangre.

Nuertra liberated y democracia, tienen que ser la herencia que les dejamos a nuertros hijos y hijas.

Una democracia existe cuando nadie esta sobre la constitucion, y todos somos sujetos a la ley.

Le pido a dios que nos de sabiduria, y que nos ayude unir nuestra querida patria, los Estados Unidos Americanos.

I ask God for wisdom and guidance in uniting our great nation.


Rep. Lou Correa represents California’s 46th Congressional District. He serves as Chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, and as the Vice-Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet. Read more here.
